Sifted Wheat

Sifted Wheat was created to bring conversation about relationships and real life situations. There is a lot of information available to us, a lot of opinions, but with Leslie’s combined experience of ministry and mental health, it’s designed to be a safe place to learn and to grow and to discover that we can heal. As humans we can go through a lot and pick up a lot along the way, and here we can explore what we need to hold us together, where we can be challenged to think differently, and how we can be encouraged to live an empowered life.

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Your identity informs your life

Thursday Oct 10, 2024

Thursday Oct 10, 2024

We are continuing the conversation about being in a physical world and spiritual world, and this time we are considering how it relates to who we are and how that informs what we do!
We will look at the following question:
Who does God say you are?
I believe we are each born with a purpose that informs our identity, and that God-given identity informs the choices of our lives. We will look at scripture to flesh that out more, and I will share a dream that I had that really helped me to see myself and others differently!
Scriptures included for further reflection: 
Psalm 139
Jeremiah 1:5
Isaiah 49:5
Matthew 3:13-17; 4:1-11; 16:18
Acts 13:19
Feel free to email us at for any thoughts and/or topics you would like to see addressed in the future. 

Thursday Sep 26, 2024

Too often deliverance and casting out demons is misused and misunderstood. This is another space where the belief that we live in a spiritual and physical world matters and requires deeper perception and empathy to help the hurting around us and continue to support them. We look at the story of "the demoniac" and the woman at the well to understand more of where and how spiritual warfare can be hidden and not always the most obvious issue, and we see how Jesus encounters them and encourages us to engage them.
Scriptures referred to: 
Matthew 8:28-34
Mark 5:1-20
Luke 8:26-39
John 4:4-42
Luke 11:23-26
Follow and subscribe and share with with those who might be encouraged by this episode! And, if you really like us leave a rating and review! Thanks for listening.

A Tale of Two Worlds

Thursday Sep 12, 2024

Thursday Sep 12, 2024

Do you believe we live in two worlds? Regardless of whether you do or don't, this is a conversation about where that shift of worlds might have started and how knowing that can empower us to live more impactful lives. It's not that the spiritual world doesn't exist, and to be honest some can even be too focused on it, but rather, it's acknowledging that it's hidden and active regardless of our belief or unbelief.
Thankfully, as you will hear, Jesus opened it up to us again and gave us access to it, and creation waits in expectation for us to engage it.
Listen in and learn more!
Scriptures to look into: 
Genesis 3
Romans 5:12-19; 8:19-25
1 Corinthians 3:18
Luke 11:4
👉🏻 Feel free to contact us at or find us on social media! Rate, review and share to help us get the word out and support others to love and heal in Christ!

Love the Church

Thursday Jun 06, 2024

Thursday Jun 06, 2024

Do you love the church?
Even if (especially if)  that question makes you uncomfortable or even offends you, I encourage you to listen in! If we are going to make a difference in the world around us for the GOOD, then we must see the church for who she is (the good and the bad), who she is intended to be, and who she can become. Unsure of what I am talking about or curious to how you can learn to love and be loved in a flawed community of believers (and unbelievers as the case may be)? Then, keep engaging this conversation!
As usual, I highlight the issues AND give practical support for how to love the church well. I even share my own challenge to shift that has helped my difficulties with the church and healthier personal church expression.
Scriptural references to continue your study:
Matthew 13:24-43
Matthew 25:31-46
Mark 6:10-11
John 13:35
John 15:4-11
John 17:13
Colossians 3:16
Ephesians 4:14-16
Hebrews 10:24-25
Feel free to contact us at or find us on social media! Rate, review and share to help us getting the word out and supporting others to love and heal in Christ!

Love your enemies

Thursday May 23, 2024

Thursday May 23, 2024

Do you love your enemies? If that question makes you uncomfortable or even offends you, I want to challenge you to hit “play” and keep listening! If we are going to make a difference in the world around us for the GOOD, then we have to start seeing our enemies the way that Jesus taught us in Luke 10. He met the question about love and flipped it on it’s head in such a way that even those gathered were astounded and convicted.
As usual, this episode is a mix of real life, counseling experience and scriptural guidance to help us learn what it is to love our enemies and to love them safely and well (for more context listen back at the "Out of Order Series". The truth is, we are far too comfortable drawing lines and seeing our differences as problems instead of asking where Jesus might have us change our perspective. Hopefully this conversation will challenge us to ask more and assume less and gives practical ways we can begin to love better. I know that it did me!
Scriptural references to continue your study:
Luke 10
Psalm 19:13
Ephesians 6:12
Luke 6:32-35
Luke 23:26-47
Like what you hear? Leave a rating and/or review where you listen so that others can find us! Leave a comment because your feedback can shape future episodes!
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"Love your Friend"

Thursday May 09, 2024

Thursday May 09, 2024

We are moving deeper into the relationships of our lives, and how to love one another in order and safely, with a conversation about friends. Proverbs 27:17 says, “As iron sharpens iron, so a friend sharpens a friend.” We hear this a lot, but are we really considering what it means? Or if we are, do we think that somehow our relationships could be the exception?
In this episode, we talk about what “tension” might look like in a friendship and how allowing challenge, expressing boundaries and providing accountability is the best way to love one another well. As usual, I share a combination of my understanding of the Word, my experience as a counselor, and my own life story to help flesh out a better path of understanding what it is to “love your friends.”
Scriptures for deeper context:
Proverbs 27: 5-6, 17
Genesis 38
1 Samuel 20
Thanks and deepest gratitude for:
Tuxradio – audio production
Tina Marie Alvarenga – Logo design
You can follow me on Instagram:
Or email me at

Love your spouse

Thursday Apr 18, 2024

Thursday Apr 18, 2024

This is an episode that stepped all over my toes... but don't let that scare you away because even in creating the content, I experienced encouragement and empowerment to make changes in my marriage!
I take the time evaluate why Ephesians 5 feels threatening and the revelation the LORD gave me to help me distinguish His plan for love in my marriage versus what I fear that holds me back.
Not only do we discuss what loving our spouse includes and what we can do to improve our relationship, but I also provided very practical ways to shift our communication so that we are calling up our spouses and not criticizing and condemning them.
As always, I present opportunities to consider your role and engagement and provide guidance to move in a healthier direction, the way to love your spouse well!
Scriptures discussed:
Genesis 2
1 Corinthians 13:4-8
Ephesians 5:21-25
Philippians 2:1-4
Luke 6:45
>> Sandpaper Marriage Podcast that talks about your "marriage mission":
Unending thanks and gratitude to:
Tuxradio - audio production
Tina Alverenga - logo design

Love your children

Thursday Apr 04, 2024

Thursday Apr 04, 2024

Do you want to understand your children better? Do you want to love them in a way that will make them healthier individuals? Do you desire to have a better impact on your kids? Young or old, in school or in a crib, this conversation opens up some practical ways to love your children well.
Another purpose of this episode is to reach into the hearts of soul wounds inflicted on us as children, and how we can extend healing instead of inflict those same injuries on our own children. This is an important conversation about necessary choices that can help us guide our parenting in a way that models the ways of our heavenly Father (the perfect Parent) parents us, safely and healthily. We explore what it means to "bring our children up in the discipline and instruction of the Lord" that is often translated out of context.
Scriptures highlighted:
Matthew 18:6
Ephesians 6:4
If you haven't yet, would you leave a rating and a review so that others can make their way to our community? Thank you for listening and joining the journey!
Also, for reels and more content follow us on social media:
Audio production - Tuxradio
Logo design - Tina Marie Alverenga

Love your parents

Thursday Mar 21, 2024

Thursday Mar 21, 2024

Are you struggling with setting boundaries with your parents? Do you need support to assess the relationship and give yourself permission to say "no" or create space? Or on the other side, do you struggle with not involving your parents in your lives, having them take responsibility for your kids or your emotions when that is no longer their role?
If any of those answers is "yes" or "maybe," this is a conversation for you! And as always, its a space where we look at scripture and see how Jesus engaged his mom and brothers and what He says about loving Him first.
Hopefully, this will help you think through some things and make some choices that will help you learn how to love your parents well.
Scriptures included:
Luke 14
1 Corinthians 13:4-8 (yep, again!)
Mark 3:31-35
Matthew 12:46-50
Luke 8:19-21
John 2:1-11
Exodus 20:12
Genesis 2:24
If you haven't yet, would you leave a rating and a review so that others can make their way to our community? Thank you for listening and joining the journey!
Also, for reels and more content follow us on social media:
Audio production - Tuxradio
Logo design - Tina Marie Alverenga

Love others, WELL!

Thursday Mar 07, 2024

Thursday Mar 07, 2024

We’ve all heard the statement “The church is a hospital” but if we are honest, we are looking less like a hospital where people can come and find healing and leave better, and have become more like a hospice where we choose to remain comfortable until we die. If those feel like harsh words, maybe it is because they fatefully ring true. This episode is about discovering what it means to love people enough to help them get BETTER! This requires engagement and conversation and intimacy that goes beyond what “feels good” into what is actually “beneficial.”
Scriptures referenced:
Mark 10:17-22
1 Corinthians 13:4-8
1 John 4:8, 18
Matthew 5:43-48
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