Thursday Apr 18, 2024

Love your spouse

This is an episode that stepped all over my toes... but don't let that scare you away because even in creating the content, I experienced encouragement and empowerment to make changes in my marriage!

I take the time evaluate why Ephesians 5 feels threatening and the revelation the LORD gave me to help me distinguish His plan for love in my marriage versus what I fear that holds me back.

Not only do we discuss what loving our spouse includes and what we can do to improve our relationship, but I also provided very practical ways to shift our communication so that we are calling up our spouses and not criticizing and condemning them.

As always, I present opportunities to consider your role and engagement and provide guidance to move in a healthier direction, the way to love your spouse well!

Scriptures discussed:

Genesis 2

1 Corinthians 13:4-8

Ephesians 5:21-25

Philippians 2:1-4

Luke 6:45

>> Sandpaper Marriage Podcast that talks about your "marriage mission":


Unending thanks and gratitude to:

Tuxradio - audio production

Tina Alverenga - logo design

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