Thursday Apr 04, 2024

Love your children

Do you want to understand your children better? Do you want to love them in a way that will make them healthier individuals? Do you desire to have a better impact on your kids? Young or old, in school or in a crib, this conversation opens up some practical ways to love your children well.

Another purpose of this episode is to reach into the hearts of soul wounds inflicted on us as children, and how we can extend healing instead of inflict those same injuries on our own children. This is an important conversation about necessary choices that can help us guide our parenting in a way that models the ways of our heavenly Father (the perfect Parent) parents us, safely and healthily. We explore what it means to "bring our children up in the discipline and instruction of the Lord" that is often translated out of context.

Scriptures highlighted:

Matthew 18:6

Ephesians 6:4

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Audio production - Tuxradio

Logo design - Tina Marie Alverenga

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